Before the attackIsraeli fighter jetIsraeli aircraft in distanceDamage from rockets and napalmHoles from rocket attackHoles from rocket attackHoles from rocket attackRocket and napalm attack damageResult of napalm attackDamage from rocket attackDamage from rocket attackRocket hole in captain's cabinGrabbing coffee after the attackHole in hatch from rocket attackSailorsInjured sailorsInjured sailorInjured sailorInjured sailorMess converted into sick bayMess converted into sick bayElectronic equipment damageElectronic equipment damageElectronic equipment damageElectronic equipment damageElectronic equipment damageElectronic equipment damageElectronic equipment damageElectronic equipment damageElectronic equipment damageTorpedo damage equipmentInside damageTorpedo damage insideTorpedo damage insideTorpedo damage cleanupTorpedo damage insideTorpedo damage insideTorpedo damageShoring up the hullAfter the attackSurviving crew membersLiberty after the attackLiberty listing after attackHelo evacuating the woundedUSS Davis sending over suppliesEvacuating the woundedLiberty with destroyerOfficersMalta photosArriving in MaltaMalta, closeup of torpedo damageMaltaMalta drydock, torpedo damageMalta drydock, torpedo damageA closer look at the hull in MaltaMalta drydock, fixing the torpedo damageLiberty in drydockArriving homeArriving homeVeterans AssociationJune 8, 2024 at Arlington National CemeteryJune 8, 2022 at Arlington National CemeteryJune 8, 2017 at Arlington National Cemetery