Space launch - List by date

These dates are when the first rocket to launch its payload into orbit occurred.

1957RussiaBaikonur Cosmodrome
1957RussiaPlesetsk Cosmodrome
1958USVandenberg Space Force Base
1961USWallops Flight Facility
1962USKennedy Space Center
1962RussiaKapustin Yar
1968ChinaTaiyuan Satellite Launch Center
1970French GuianaGuiana Space Centre
1970JapanUchinoura Space Center
1971IndiaSatish Dhawan Space Centre
1975JapanTanegashima Space Center
1990ChinaXichang Satellite Launch Center
1997RussiaSvobodny Cosmodrome
1998North KoreaTonghae Satellite Launching Ground
1999MultinationalSea Launch Odyssey Platform
2001USPacific Spaceport Complex – Alaska
2003ChinaJiuquan Satellite Launch Center
2006USPacific Missile Range Facility
2008IranSemnan Space Center
2009South KoreaNaro Space Center
2012North KoreaSohae Satellite Launching Station
2016RussiaVostochny Cosmodrome
2016ChinaWenchang Space Launch Site
2017New ZealandRocket Lab Launch Complex 1
2024JapanSpaceport Kii