The Middle East

This page is our repository for information about the Middle East and the Israel-Palestine conflict. In time, the information will be organized into something that tells a story, but there's enough information to prove that the Israel-Palestinian conflict is about ethnic cleansing and a land grab.


Six Day War Israeli victory Documentary

Line of Fire: The Six-Day War: How Israel Defeated 3 Arab Nations In Less Than A Week

Golan Heights: Israel's Legendary Tank Defence Against Syria

Six-Day War (1967) - Third Arab–Israeli War DOCUMENTARY

Golan Heights

Israel's fresh water source was the Sea of Galilee. The Sea was fed by streams that originated in the Golan Heights. Syria objected and built canals that diverted the water from the streams.

Straits of Tiran

The straits separated the Gulf of Suez from the Gulf of Aquaba. The Israel port city of Eilat is situated on the Gulf of Aquaba. In 1967, Egypt built up their forces in the Sinai, which threatened the straits.

USS Liberty

Demographics and Geography

South Sudan Libya Pakistan Yemen Jordan United Arab Emirates Italy Somalia Afghanistan Turkey Sudan Iraq Iran Ethiopia Chad Syria Oman Egypt Saudi Arabia India Djibouti Azerbaijan Armenia Tajikistan Israel Greece Turkmenistan Lebanon Eritrea Kuwait Qatar Cyprus Palestine Bahrain Bahrain ChadChad Djibouti EgyptEgypt EritreaEritrea EthiopiaEthiopia Gaza IranIran IraqIraq Israel Jordan Kuwait Lebanon LibyaLibya OmanOman Qatar SomaliaSomalia Saudi ArabiaSaudiArabia South SudanSouthSudan SudanSudan SyriaSyria TurkeyTurkey UAE UgandaUG West Bank YemenYemen PakistanPakistan AfghanistanAfghanistan TurkmenistanTurkmenistan Gulf of Aden Gulf of Oman Indian Ocean Strait ofHormuz Persian Gulf Red Sea

Lebanon is approximately equal Sunni and Shia.