The 489th Bombardment Squadron on Corsica

D-Day Southern France - August 15, 1944

Pictured from left to right are Lt. Baxter Thomas, Lt. George H. England, Lt. Fred C. Swanson and T/Sgt. John J. Buchanan after their return to Corsica from southern France where their plane, B-25J 9P "Jersey Bounce" 43-4046, was shot down over St. Giles near Avignon. Not pictured are the other crew members S/Sgt. William J. Williamson who was killed and Sgt. Luther S. Craver who was captured by the Germans. After being shot down, the crew apparently crossed the Rhone River on a log and assisted the US army in liberating Nimes, France. They were helped back to the 340th Bomb Group base at Alesani, Corsica by the French Underground, also known as the Maqui. The airmen were disguised as French agricultural workers.

The crew of B-25J 9P in better times. Pictured from left to right are John Buchanan, Fred Swanson, two unidentified airmen- possibly William Williamson and Luther Craver- and Baxter Thomas.

This picture shows the "Jersey Bounce" nose art. Notice "Airplane Commander B. Thomas" on the fuselage.
The following information about Eddie A. Little was provided by his grandson, Jarrett Crump regarding Little's heroics on August 15, 1944 in another 489th plane: “Info on PaPa: S/Sgt. Eddie A. Little, Jr., 489th Bomb Squadron, Bombardier and Aerial Gunner, Aircraft- B-25 9M "Athena," Stationed in Naples and Corsica 1943 and 1944, Itialian Campaign, Naples-Foggia Campaign, Rome-Arno Campaign, 63 combat missions with one German aircraft shot down. Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, Good Conduct Medal, EAME Theater Campaign Medal with 3 battle stars. Distinguished Flying Cross awarded for extraordinary achievement achieved while participating in aerial flight as bombardier of a B-25 type aircraft.”
“On 15 August 44, S/Sgt Little flew in an attack upon a road and railroad bridge at Avigion, France. Displaying superior professional skill and determination as he guided his pilot on a perfect run over the objective in the face of intense anti-aircraft fire, S/Sgt Little then released his bombs with devastating effect upon this vital objective. While escorting a crippled B-25, forced out of formation and drawing away from the target, S/Sgt Little discovered that one bomb in his aircraft had failed to release over the target. Unable to leave his position, S/Sgt Little immediately instructed other members of his crew in the procedure to render the bomb harmless and then navigated his pilot safely back to base. On more than sixty combat missions, his outstanding proficiency and steadfast devotion to duty have reflected great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States.”

In this picture, Eddie Little is on the left with some of his buddies from the 489th Bombardment Squadron on Corsica.

Eddie is standing next to his main plane B-25J 9M "Athena." Photos courtesy of Jarrett Crump. My father, radio-gunner Quentin Kaiser, and tail-gunner Eddie Little flew a mission together in B-25J 9S on June 30, 1944.